Monday, September 14, 2009
My Little Bro
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
School has Begun!
I am so happy to be back in school! I have been waiting all summer for this! Weird I know but I have been so excited for the Nurisng Program to start! I was so giddy on the first day of school! It was a little overwhelming at first but I am so ready for this! Got a 100% on my first test! My life consists of homework galor but its totally worth it. I had to buy 8 books for one semester and then recieved a whole box of 10 books on the first day of class! So thankful my husband bought me a sweet new backpack for the nursing program! This is going to be an exciting busy year I can feel it! I love it already and can't wait for clinicals!! So happy all my dreams are coming true!
My lovely stack of books(not including the other 10)
Here's to the End of Summer
To end our summer Boe and I decided to go on one last trip. We went to Craters of the Moon, Sun Valley, and Boise! It was blast and was so nice just to be together just the 2 of us! I even loved the super long drive it was so nice to just talk. Craters of the Moon is so neat it was a little rainy and overcast but we loved it we did some hiking/walking and went through a huge cave. Sun Valley was beautiful we wish we had more time there and had brought are bikes. It is defenitly a place we will be going again! There are some huge/beautiful homes up there its so hard not to be envious! We walked all around the town, had some hot coco (it was cold), ate dinner and a cute resturant, window shopped, and went on a beautiful walk along the river. Boise was Hot but a ton of fun! We stayed with Boe's Uncle Jake and his family and hung out with them. Did a little shopping and bought a few things for a steal. I got a sweatshirt and a t-shirt for 87cents! And Boe got a few things for super cheap too! We ate at this really good Mexican Resturant (can't remember the name but it tasted a lot like Chipotle), we drove around downtown and I got to see the capitol. We went to go see Harry Potter 6 in Imax we were so excited and were in our seats and the movie started and then the projector broke! We were so not thrilled but at least we got our money back! And one of my favorites parts was I got to go to Forever 21!! I love that store and got a few cute things! The scariest part of our trip was on the way home we almost hit an antelope that ran out in front of us! (here are a few pictures of our trip...sorry they are all of me boe wouldnt get in a pic..and these are only from my camera more to come off of boes)

Just did a little four-wheeling with Boes little cousin who is 2 . He's so cute he was like Brittany go for a ride and patted the back of the four-wheeler!
Cutest table ever the top is a chalkboard!
My Purple Escape
I love riding my bike! It is like a drug to me and so relaxing! I ride as much as I can! I love listening to my Ipod and feeling the wind in my face! It's my me time when I get to escape any troubles,stresses, or worries for at least 30 minutes. Im going to be real sad when winter comes and I cant ride for 5 months! But until then im going to ride my heart out! My upbeat song that gets me peadling right now is Miley Cyrus: Party in the USA. Cheesy I know but its catchy, upbeat, and I love it!
Memorial Day Weekend!
So these pictures are from May so they are way overdue obviously I just haven't gotten around to loading my pictures on the computer. Well for Memorial Day we went with Boe's parents on a four-wheel ride! It was a little windy but lots of fun! I dont have many pictures but here are the ones I do have!

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